Sunday, March 31, 2013

Easter Weekend!

This Easter the Roberts family decided they were goin to go out to Blue Creek to grandpa Roberts farm. I had never been out there before so i was excited to see what all the hype and talk was all about. We headed out early afternoon in the truck, we thought we could get some more rocks when we were out there for our waterfall, along with the rest of the Roberts gang. The afternoon was full of hot dog roasts, salads, chips, desserts, dirt, rocks, fourwheelers, massive easter egg hunt, scavenger hunt, and more dirt. I am glad that they decided to go out there this year and I hope they are going to start going out there more.

Friday, March 29, 2013

Salt Lake Getaway

Ike had wednesday and thursday off and we had been wanting to go down and stay in salt lake and let wytten go swimming and see if he would like it or not. We headed down later afternoon on wednesday and went to city creek and shopped, i had some pants i needed to return and then we needed to find some stuff for wytten. He got himself his first pair of jordans, they are a couple sizes too big, so they will last him awhile which will be good. We then went to eat at our favorite place PF Changs where my aunt megan met us and joined us for dinner. Wytten was not the greatest he didn't want to sit in the high chair so we each took turns holding him and taking him outside so the others could eat their delicious food. After dinner we headed back to our hotel; wytten was getting tired and it was close to his bed time so we decided we would go swimming in the morning instead of tonight. We had a pretty good night for his first time sleeping in his pack n' play, he only woke up twice. We then went down and had a good breakfast and then headed down to the pool; i couldn't believe how many people were down at the pool for it being a thursday morning. Wytten wasn't so sure about the water at first, but then he warmed up to it and was splashing around like crazy just like he does in the bath tub. These couple of days were a good vacation and getaway from school, work, and just the every day things. Can't wait to take him swimming again and see how much more he loves it. I think we are going to have a swimmer on our hands.


Tuesday, March 5, 2013

8 Months Old

I can't believe my cute blue eyed little man is already 8 months old, before we know it he will be a yr old. This month has brought some new things in this chubby mans life: he had his first poop incident in his high chair, he got his first tooth, he tried cream of chicken soup from maddox (gobbled it right up), he officially is getting into everything and can get to where ever he would like to go, thinks he can drink the water out of the tub when he is bathing, found out he has parts down there and plays with them when in the tub and getting his bum changed, would rather play with tykes toys than his own, and can throw a good fit when he doesn't want to eat the food I made for him. He also tried some new foods this month besides the cream of chicken soup he had mangos, squash, blueberry and bananas, apple pear and bananas, strawberry apple and pear. When it comes to food he definitely is a momma's boy and loves his fruit and not so much a fan of all the veggies.

Not sure what his weight or height is but I do know he is growing and getting heavier to carry around each day. He is still in size 3 diapers and is wearing 9 month clothes. He still loves his bath time, his food, mickey mouse clubhouse, to have his blanket over his face when he sleeps, nap time. He is sleeping good still so i can't complain; he wakes up around 6 and wants to have a bottle and then will go back to sleep. He has figured out how to hold his bottle by himself; he takes it out and looks at it then gets mad and shoves it back into his mouth getting milk all over his face. He is really starting to talk and babble a ton; i can't wait til he can actually say some words. We are still working on crawling on his hands and knees, waving bye bye, and gettin the concept of moving his feet and walking. Here is to another month that has come and gone and for many more changes to come and time that goes by too fast. Love you so much Wytten Jay!!