Thursday, May 5, 2011

Couple of Weeks

This semester of school has not been too bad besides be procrastinating my online class that i had and thought i was going to fail. I took my midterm and 3 quizzes the last week possible to take them; yep that is what i call procratinstion. For a while i thought i was going to fail the class meaning i wouldn't graduate with my associates and would have to retake the dumb class again. luckily i pulled it off with a B and don't have to retake the class. I retook physiology and did a lot better than the D+ i got last semester...pulled it off with a B; hopefully that is good enough and i won't have to retake it to get into the program i am wanting to. I can't believe i have finished my sophomore year of school, its crazy to think about...but at the same time it feels like forever and that i will be going to school for the rest of my life. I am glad to have atleast a 2 week break from school, then its back to school i go and start full time at my job. Guess we'll see how that one turns out!! I am excited for the summer and the many adventures we are going to go on and new things that will happen in our lives. Hopefully we can be able to get our yard in so its not a yard of weeds and can get our driveway and parking poured up. We finished up our kitchen besides getting a new door which we should be getting soon; so i will post some before and after pictures of those another time.