Wednesday, October 31, 2012

Happy Halloween!!

Happy Halloween to you all!!! We found two costumes this year that we couldn't decide on, it was between a lion or a dragon...we went with the dragon. And sometimes throughout the night he was sure blowing fire like a dragon, especially when he would get hungry. We had a busy night going from grandma marlenes to get pictures and have homemade donuts, to grandma roberts to visit with family and eat dinner, then to grandma williams to get pictures taken, then our last and final stop to grandma jadenes to eat some more yummy food! Wytten was a good sport and wore his costume and didn't fight us when we put it on him, but he got pretty hot while inside the houses so we would take it off. Overall it was a good halloween and i can't wait til next year when he is a little older and will be even funner. :)

Halloween Decor...nothin too fancy. 

halloween blocks

Saturday, October 27, 2012

Introducing.....Mr. Fall Pumpkin :)

I wanted to get some pictures of my little guy before all the leaves were gone so i made my mom leave her leaves in the front yard til i could go over and get some pictures taken. My kind sister, our now family photographer, took these pictures for me. They turned out way good and thanks to some pinterest ideas we got some way cute pictures. Wytten was quite the trooper today for us as we tortured him covering him with leaves, laying his in the leaves, putting his naked body in a very cold pumpkin and paintin a pumpkin on his little bum. Thanks again to marlie and my family for helping gettin him to look and behave during pictures. Love you so much Wytten are growing so fast and becoming such a big boy with quite the personality.

Thursday, October 4, 2012

3 Months Old

Well i figured i better get on the ball and write about the cute little guy being 3 months old before he turns 4 months old which is in a week, no big deal right!? We didn't go to the doctor this month so i just weighed him on our scale and according to our scale he weighed 13 lbs and not sure on his height which is crazy and it is good to see him continue to gain weight and grow. He is eating 4 to 5 oz every 2 to 3 hrs. Almost grown out of all his 0 to 3 month clothes, so we will continue to wear them til he is all grown out of them. Have 1 package left of size 1 diapers and then we will start to wear size 2. He has moved from just sucking on his thumb to his entire hand, both hands actually, which causes him to drool like it is literally going out of style. Really starting to smile, coo, and talk like crazy. Has become quite the couch potato, or should i say bumbo potato, he loves to either be sitting in his bumbo or on the couch and watch disney junior in the mornings. He has started to grab his toys and his blankets and bringing them to his face. Most of the time during the night he will wake up once sometimes twice to eat and then will go right back to sleep. It seems that he is the happiest when he wakes up in the morning and is all smiles and talking to me, i just love that time i get to spend.
my new friend the lion

all smiles :)

lint in my toes

3-6 month outfit...a little big but not to bad