Monday, March 19, 2012

Baby "W"

I know most everyone knows by now that ike and i are expecting and i am not very good at updating my blog about it as you can tell. It has been quite the journey we have gone on so far and the farther along i get, the more he loves to practice his punching and kicking (which doesn't help with the number of trips i make to the bathroom) and the more real it is becoming to me. It is crazy to be sitting at work or just relaxing on the couch and feel him moving around and being able to see it. Ike loves to lay in bed at night and put his hand on my belly so he can feel him moving around. We haven't got much bought so far, we do have quite a few outfits, diapers, a recliner, and finally decided on what color to paint the room, purchased the paint and will hopefully get it done soon and get a crib purchased as well. We've got a couple of names picked out and think we have finalized on the one and just got to figure out the middle name.
This little guy of ours loves whopper eggs, coke (especially from taco time w/ their awesome ice), mexi fries w/ casa sauce, mack's fries w/ their fry sauce and just about anything from a fast food restaurant on most days which i am sure is going to do wonders on my figure. I just will have to make sure and stop eating the way i am once the babes comes and start doing some for of exercise. haha On a healthier note he loves any kind of fruit and yogurt!
I am going to try and be better about keeping my blog updated about the baby and how things are going. I have another doctors appt this thursday and we'll get to hear his heartbeat and check to make sure everything is going okay. :)

our sweet little chubby cheeked baby...whom i
can't wait to get here so i can kiss on his cheeks
in case you are like my mom and can't
tell for sure...yes we are having a little boy!
showing off for his daddy by flexing his muscles!
my belly at 23 weeks and 4 days!