Sunday, July 1, 2012

The Weeks....

These last couple of weeks i have......
- deep cleaned the house so if the baby came we would be
able to come home to a clean house
-have all the laundry done so ike doesn't worry about it
-not sleeping very well and toss and turn throughout the night
-wake up around 430 or 5 cause i have to pee and then generally can't go back to sleep
-don't feel like cooking dinner
-could survive and be satisfied with eating fruit, otter pops, ice, and drinking lots of water
-pretty much pointless the days i am at work cause i am tired and don't feel like doing much
-the lil guy is really low so everytime he moves it makes me have to pee and causes lots of pressure

Thankful for Ike and everything he does for me so i can sit and relax and not worry too much. Also to my family and his family for always checking on me and making sure i am not out doing myself. I only have one week left til my due date...hopefully i don't go past it and can be able to bring a healthy baby into this world.

The Progress!!

For the longest time you wouldn't have known I was pregnant just by looking at me, you would've just thought i had gained weight which is never a good thing to have people think about you. Once i got closer to the finish line i popped and people could tell, though people still don't believe me when i tell them how much longer i have left. I am hoping that means once i have the baby that i can get rid of it pretty fast and won't become a challenge for me! :) This last week i went to my 38 week appointment, i hadn't had much change since my last appt, no contractions or pains except for i had had increased back pain which they said could be some back labor. He wondered if i wanted to be checked to see if i had any progress i said sure why not, he checked me and i was 2 cm dilated and 75% effaced. He was surprised as were Ike and I, the nurse kind of laughed at us and the faces we had plastered on when he told us the news, he told me i could pretty much go anytime. We have been so blessed to be abel to get insurance through Ike so we won't be paying medical bills for the rest of our lives for our first child so i had to make it atleast til July 1 and then i could go anytime after that. Well it is the evening of July 1 and i still haven't had the baby, but i did make it so all is good. I have another doctors appt tomorrow and he will check again and see if anything has changed and if i've made anymore progress.

 35 weeks
38 weeks 

Baby Projects

Thanks to the best grandma ever who has been so kind to help me with all my projects for the baby and put up with my "amazing" sewing skills. We finally finished the crib quilt and thanks to her love for quilting we (mostly her) hand quilted it and then she put the binding on as well. We are almost done with the crib skirt just need to make it a little bit shorter and then I only have one more quilt that needs to be binded and will be done with that and all other projects...for now anyways. The other pictures are some of the baby's room decorations, we haven't got them all put up yet we still need to find a dresser we like before we can finish putting them up.

Maternity Pictures

A special thanks to my awesom sister Marlie who was so kind to take maternity pictures, she could hardly stand herself, she had been searching the internet like crazy to get ideas. We planned on going to some old buildings and out in some fields, but once we walked over to the Coombs' backyard by their old shed we decided we could just stay there and get some good pictures. So we used their old shed and the field and shed by my parents house and got some good pictures. Thanks again Mar for taking them and I am looking forward to having you take pictures of the lil guy when he gets here. <3