Thursday, May 17, 2012

The Lil Man

We have been trying to get the room all ready for the when the baby gets here....we are about half way done getting it all ready. Ike got the room painted and the crib up; we got the chair delivered and thanks to the most amazing grandma ever I have made a couple of quilts. The one in the crib is the material we bought first cause i couldn't find what i wanted. The other one is the main quilt with the colors i wanted...i finally got all the squares sewn together and now we are just hand quilting it together (mostly my grandma has been doing it) and i have helped a little bit. We still need to paint the changing table and find a dresser for the many many clothes our little guy has already accumulated (ike is bound and determined the baby has more clothes than he does). I also need to figure out how i am going to decorate and get going on that as well as making the crib skirt to match the quilt.
Time seems like it has flown is crazy to think i only have 7 or so more weeks and our little guy will be here and our lives are going to be changed a great deal for the better. We are so excited for him to come and i love seeing how excited ike has become now that he seen Ruthi right after she was born and held her. It was good to know that he is going to be such a big help when the baby comes and i know he is going to be an amazing father and can't wait til he gets here.
 main baby quilt...which is still being hand quilting
 baby crib and most likely my new bed for awhile
31 weeks and 3 days 

Wednesday, May 9, 2012

Easter 2012

The saturday before easter we went with my family and had lunch, dyed easter eggs, and the annual family easter egg hunt at my grandma marlene's house. We haven't had many family pictures so i had marlie take some and then some maternity ones as well, but not a lot. It was fun to be with the family that was there and be able to spend time outside. As you can see Ike made the purchase of the little mans first hunting outfit...we'll see how long it takes him to fit into and how chubby he is and gets by october to see if he can go hunting with dad. On sunday we spent the day with Ike's family and had dinner at grandma and grandpa williams' and then had a easter egg hunt. Ike felt pretty important since how he got to hide the silver and golden eggs and it took them forever to find the golden egg. Overall it was a good holiday and good to think about our Savior and everything which he did for us.

 family picture
 tyke and me
 ike's easter
 babies easter
 my easter along with tykes