Wednesday, December 12, 2012

Last and Final Time!

My grandpa dean has been being a santa's helper for as long as i can remember; he quit doing it a couple of years ago because he was just wore out and his knees were making it hard to walk. We were in charge of the Andersons' christmas party so he put on the suit for one last and final time. So we all had to get our pictures taken with it and it was funny to see how wytten reacted. I don't think he is old enough yet to be scared of santa, but he did try to pull his beard off and eat it. It was good to get one last picture with santa and i'm glad we were able to get pictures of wytten with him also.
 after he tasted santa's beard

 don't ya love ike's shirt he insisted on wearing it

 trying to eat santa's beard

Williams Family Pictures.

One of Randi Jo's friends Mandi Thornton took our family pictures the beginning of october; she did an amazing job and thought they turned out well.

Work Party!

I didn't think to take any pictures of our work party, but it was so fun. The morning of i went down to my aunt megans and made baby food for wytten and then she watched him for me while i went down to fashin place mall and met at the cheesecake factory for our party. We had been talkin about eating at cheesecake factory all week and were exctied to eat us some cheesecake. We met there and dr jenson gave us the bad news that we weren't eating there; he gave us money and told us we had 2 hours to spend it all and whatever we didn't spend we had to give back to him. We couldn't buy anything for our kids or for our spouses it had to be spent all on us. So we all set out on our adventure to spend our money, we split up and shopped where we each individually wanted to and was to meet back at cheesecake factory. Me being the shopper i am spent every last penny and some of my own, i sure didn't have a hard time finding stuff i liked. I bought me a dress, scarf, purse, and two shirts from H & M, 2 pairs of boots and a coat from vanity, a sweatshirt from victoria secret, and another scarf and some earrings from charlotte russe. I though i did pretty good and can't wait to wear all of what i bought. After we went shopping we all went to tepanyaki (not sure i spelt that right) and ate. I got the most normal thing on the menu, teriyaki chicken and fried rice. I love their soup they bring to you, but the salad not so much. I dodged the shrimp again like i usually do, though this time it bounced off the back of my head. I told the guy i didn't want one so that is what he gets; a waisted shrimp laying on the floor. Thanks dr jenson for such a fun day. 

Wednesday, December 5, 2012

5 Months Old!

We didn't go to the doctor for a check up, but we did go to the cardiologist on the sixth of december and he weighed 16 lbs there; I'm not sure how long he his though. He is eating 5 oz usually every 3 hrs or so, he is still eating rice cereal every once in a while and at thanksgiving he tried sweet potatoes and mashed potatoes and loved them both. He stayed with someone other than grandma for awhile on Black Friday while ike and i went shopping. He stayed with aunt megan and great grandma, he was pretty good for them and pretty sure he was spoiled and loved on the whole time he was at her house. We ran out of size 2 diapers and i am too cheap to go out and buy another box so we moved onto size 3, they are a little big but not too bad. He is wearing mainly size 6 month clothes although some 3-6 months clothes still fit him depending on the brand. He has found his toes and loves to suck on them; he would be close to sitting up but as soon as he sees his toes he bends over to try and get them. He is rolling around like crazy and once he gets on his belly he loves sto push himself up and straighten his arms. Hasn't got the concept of going forward, but he can scoot backwards; as soon as he gets himself pushed up he stops moving his legs, then falls down and his legs will move like crazy. When he gets tired he start to make awwing noises and looks around; he still isn't sleeping through the night yet, but is only waking up once or twice still. He absolutely loves his bath time still, sometimes a little too much that he splashes all the water out of the tub onto me and all over the wall. He is getting so big and growing so fast and has developed quite the little personality; i love the days i get to stay home and play and cuddle with him.