Monday, November 26, 2012

Temple Square...

 We decided to go down to Temple Square early this year, if not i don't know if we would have made it down there. Temple Square never gets old and it always amazes me how many people are down there enjoying the lights and feeling the spirit, and the amount of time it takes to put up all of those lights. We met the Smarts at Chili's in centerville and had some dinner and then headed down to see the lights where we met megan and barry as well. We walked around temple square and then headed over to walk around city creek and then met back at temple square to head home. At city creek we went in the disney store and wytten loved all the mickey mouses in there and tried to eat them, we also went and walked around Tiffany to see what they had. Nothin too exciting we couldn't live without so we headed back to temple square and headed home.

seems that we can never get a decent family picture without someone laughing!!!

me and my little man

decided to wake up and be hungry right as we got there....being such a big boy holding his bottle.

aunt shaunie and wytten

aunt marlie and wytten

Thanksgiving Time!

Sunday, November 4, 2012

4 Months Old

We went to Wyttens 4 month check up, he weighed 14 lbs and 14 oz, was an incredible 26 inches long, and his head circumference was 16.7 inches. He is in size 2 diapers and wearing 3-6 month clothes and 6 month pajamas because he is so long. We started feeding him rice cereal at night, he wasn't so sure of it at first but then he got to like it and as soon as he would see the spoon he would dive for it to go into his mouth. He rolled over for the first time, although i didn't see it, i was in the kitchen doing the dishes. He can roll over both ways from his back to belly and belly to back. He has definitely found his voice and loves to talk, coo, and babble noises. Loves to suck on anything he can find and that he can bring to put into his mouth. He drools like crazy, which i think stems from sucking on anything and everything. He had his first chest cold, it wasn't too bad though, just a little cough and clear runny nose.