Sunday, February 24, 2013

Live Life With No Regrets!

If you were to die tomorrow would be able to say that you lived your life to the fullest and had no regrets. Would you know that you made the right choices, let those that you loved know that you loved them, spent as much time that was possible with those you loved? If not maybe there are somethings you need to think about in your life and make the changes necessary so that if this was to happen to you, you would be able to say you left this life with no regrets!!
“There is something in each day that can bring gratitude and joy if only we will see and appreciate it. Perhaps we should be looking less with our eyes and more with our hearts.” —Dieter F. Uchtdorf
A couple of weeks ago we had a lesson in relief society that really got me thinking about how I am spending my time. It was on President Uchtdorfs talk from this last conference which was titled "Regrets and Resolutions." He says that he wishes he would have spent more time with the people which he loves; when we brought this up in relief society it was interesting to see what those whose kids had moved out of the house or was older said about the years when they were young. They all said that to cherish the time you have with them while they are young cause they grow up so fast, which is what a lot of people have told me. They also said that it is okay if you house is not always clean, your dishes aren't always done, your decorations aren't hung up, and your laundry is not always folded. These types of things are always going to be there for us to take care of, but our kids on the other hand are growing and getting bigger each and every day, every minute, and even every second. Your house, laundry, dishes, etc are not going to be with you for eternity, but you will always be able to be with those you love if we are making the right choices in our lives. It is better to spend the time which you can with your kids, other things around you can wait to get done later! We need to be the example to our kids, spouses, and siblings and let them know that we don't have to be that perfect person, no is perfect though some people may think that others around them are. Yes money is a good thing and something we need to live, but being greedy and having to have so as much money as possible is a different story. Think of those around you who have less than you, do you have some extra that you could spare and share with them to make their lives better? Are we working so much that we are not able to spend time with our family, kids, and loved ones and make the memories which are going to last.
After having this lesson and listening to this talk I realized it is okay if I am not super mom always having my house super clean, having the dishes done and not sitting in the sink, having the laundry done and not sittin in the hamper, doing my homework sooner than the actual day it is due, or trying to put some new craft project together. Because you know what that is just not who I want to be and I would much rather spend my time with my Wytten boy playing with his toys, watching mickey mouse clubhouse, and having him laugh and pull funny faces at me. These are the things I am going to remember forever and if something was to ever happen to me I will be able to know those that I loved knew that I loved them and that I would do anything for them.

Wednesday, February 20, 2013

New Job...New Shedule...New Adventures

Over a year ago before Ike got his promotion at Setpoint nucor had a job pool open up, so he thought what the heck i'll put in for it along with the other 4,999 people. The process for a job at nucor we were told takes forever, well we learned that he applied in december of 2011 and got offered the job in january 2013. In my opinion that is way too long to be waiting and wondering if you had got a job or not; but i guess if there are not that many people that applied then it should take that long. Well he passed all the tests, physical exams, and strength tests and started working there the middle of february, so it hasn't been too long. So far he has seemed to like it and likes most of the people he works with on his crew. There are lots of people that have mixed feelings about him working there, and it seems that whoever you talk to they either are totally against it and can only say negative things about it and then there are those that are positive and tell him how great it will be and how much he will like it. He is on rotating shifts which i haven't decided if it is a good thing or a bad thing; i do know that when i am off work i like the fact that he is sometimes home as well. It seems that so far i have been able to see him more often then before when he worked down at setpoint. It does suck when he has to work weekends, but then that just means he is off during the week, so we can just do stuff then instead of on the weekend. I am sure it is going to be an adjustment for me and for him as well, I'll have to let ya know in a couple of months how we are holding up and how we are liking this new and exciting change in our lives. 

Wednesday, February 13, 2013

Pudding Anyone??

On sunday my mom had made poor mans dessert (chocolate pudding and whip cream), I wanted to get Wytten boy naked and put him in the high chair and see what he would do with it on his tray. Well this was the outcome...he had lots of fun and had it all over the place. 

Monday, February 4, 2013

7 Months Old

 Throughout this last month he has become a lot closer to crawling; he can move around and get where he wants to get to, it just isn't by crawling. He has his own rolling, arching, reaching, and scooting sort of way; he can still go in a circle like it is nobody's business. He loves to sleep on his belly and loves to have his face covered and will fall asleep like a champ. He is sleeping better for me...he goes to bed around 9 or 930 and will wake up around 5 or 530 have a bottle and usually goes back to sleep for a couple more hours.

 He has a new thing of when he is eating his bottle he likes to have his arm over his eyes. Another new thing is when he is getting his diaper changed he has to sit and scratch the right side of his belly. He has also started making puppy noises, he sticks his tongue out and breathes really loud; so funny!! He also was able to have his first stay at a hotel...first night not so good, but the second night was lots better. We were going to take him swimming for the first time, but the swim suit i had wouldn't even go over his thighs (thunder thighs like mom) and i couldn't find one so we will just have to have another vacation so that we can take him swimming. :)

We weren't scheduled to go to the doctor this month, but this past saturday we made a trip to the doctor cause he had a really bad cough, runny nose, and was grabbing at his ears again. He weighed 18.8 lbs with is clothes on, but still i am glad to see he has gained some weight back. Well once again he had a bad ear infection and a viral respiratory infection (thanks to his dad i think he is going to have problems with his ears like ike did). We got him on an antibiotic and he seems to be doing a little bit better; hopefully we won't have to have to many more ear infections before he can get tubes put in his ears to help. Here is to another month of learning, growing, happy moments, and memories. Love this little guy so much!